Want to Know How to Write Emails That Make Money
 Almost Every Time You Hit Send ?

Introducing A Quick 4 Step System That You Can Use To Bang Out Emails That Turn People On Your List into...
Rabid Buyers !

Even If You Can't Write a Lick Of Copy

Dear Friend,

If you want to be able to generate money at will, simply by banging out emails that take as little as 15 mins to write… then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

Here’s why

A few years ago I witnessed someone I knew in real life go from selling nickel and dime sacs out of his apartment to traveling the world enjoying the “laptop lifestyle” simply from selling information products.

The craziest part is that it only took him a few months to get there.

I wanted a taste of that lifestyle too. I wanted the freedom and the means to travel and see the world just as badly as the next person, so I did what anyone in my position would do…

 I Shamelessly Copied Him !

I chose the same market and I promoted the same offer. I posted tons of youtube videos and even ran ads …but Something was not right because while i was putting in tons of effort I was getting nowhere.

I figured he must know something that i didn't. 

One day he posted on social media that he was going to share all of his secrets to the first 5 people who gave him $3,000.00

Done !...

I couldn't keep my excitement. All week I would daydream about seeing myself getting money traveling, hanging with friends having more free time than i knew what to do with.

When i got on the call it only took me 30 minutes to realize that investing in this was a...

A Complete Waste of Time and Money !!

Turns out that all the things that he had accumulated was just a front!

The Cars Were Rentals The House was actually a venue, the trips were travel hacks. All of this was done not for the purpose of enjoying life.

It was done to bring in more gullible fools such as myself.

He told us straight up that it was his marketing strategy. I couldn't believe what I was hearing ! I can't believe people were actually teaching this! There had to be a more ethical way to make a living online! So i did what most desperate info marketers in my situation would do.

I went into debt buying  more courses, enrolled into more challenges, in fact any overnight guru that popped up with an outrageous promise…basically had my money...What a Waste.!

The Lost Art Of Salesmanship Re-Discovered !

They say when the student is ready the Teachers Will Appear.

I was flat broke so i had to resort to reading old archived transcripts containing interviews of some of the greatest hot shot copywriters and direct response marketers of the 80’s 90’s and early 2000’s

After reading dozens and dozens of their transcripts l noticed a pattern. All the guys on these interviews were saying the same thing:  the lost art of email marketing has by far brought in more online sales than any other tactic! 

I decided right then that I was going to devote all my energy into figuring this thing called “Email Copywriting”.

Long Story Short.

I got Good Enough to Where I managed to make my first $1000.00. Best of all I did it with no flash and no front. Eventually i got good enough were thousand dollar months became thousand dollar weeks  simply by spending...

Only 15 Minutes a Day Writing Emails!!!

My Click Funnels Award For Making My first $1,000.00 Online
I was both fascinated and pissed.

I was fascinated because of how simple it was. Pissed because i could have saved a lot of wasted years and wasted coin, learning a bunch of “gamechanger” tactics that seemed to work for everybody else but me.

I wanted to know more.  And, after investing thousands of dollars in education as well as time in writing an email everyday for over a year and a half. I've managed to come up with my own four step system to bang out money making emails.

I’ve finally decided to organize this system into a field manual called:

How to Write Emails That Bring Home The Bacon

No, It will not make you an overnight millionaire. And It will take continuous daily effort on your part. 

The truth is most marketers hardly send email so its only natural that these concepts may take a while to sink in. 

Oh yeah it does not come with a money back guarantee.

If that causes your stomach to drop I highly suggest you look elsewhere. There are tons of cheap $0.99 kindle books on email marketing for you to choose from.

But if you are serious about your online business and have the mental discipline to apply 15-30 minutes a day then this book may help you to double, even triple the amount of money your business makes without needing any copywriting experience whatsoever.
Now You might be thinking "Can't I just use Chat GPT to write my emails ?...." After all isn't it free?"

Sure, you can!!

 If you prefer to have a program that spits out out limp emails with no personality, no connection and no selling power on your behalf then feel free to use artificial intelligence. 

But, If you want to use authentic intelligence to bang out powerful emails that tease, tantalize and in some cases torment the people on you list into buying your offers then...

Here's Just a Sneak Peek Of What You Will See Inside

  •  How to write irresistible subject lines without getting a brain bleed  
  • ​The Email Choke Hold. A writing technique used to grab the reader by the throat causing them to read your emails as soon as they are opened. 
  •  Three ways to never run out of email ideas ever again...ever!
  • ​A hidden area on two popular websites that you can you to swipe email subject lines. For those days when your in a jam and need a headline FAST!
  • ​Why tracking email open rates is a complete waste of time.
  • ​What to say in your emails that turn lukewarm readers into your raving supporters and rabid buyers.
  • ​The one thing you should never do in your emails. Which could be the reason why your emails don't sell.
  • ​How to secretly plug your products in ALL your emails without sounding like an annoying salesman. The art of selling without selling.
  • ​Why you should never correct misspellings in your emails….And Also

How to use Old Dead Emails to Breathe More Life Into Your Business

Look here Friend, 

If you want More Traffic, More Leads and More Sales without busting your tail then listen up.

So just like you i was skeptical about the money making power of emails. I was even MORE skeptical when i heard an email expert  openly said that he despised social media and ran zero ads! 

Two things that everyone, including my self wholeheartedly  believed in. I mean how can an online business expert attract customers without them?

Even newbies knew this.

By now your probably asking what changed my mind...so check this. Even tho i didn't agree with his stance on social media at the time. I was really struggling to get traffic. I was posting close to 10 reels a day on instagram and had nothing to show for it. 

I had to know what he was doing so I decided to find out how.  Well...

It turns out that you can use emails to do way more than just ask for the sale.

Ever since then I have used his methods to  bring in more traffic and leads and sales to my little kitchen table top business and all i have to do is copy and paste. 

Now this does not mean that I completely abandoned social media or stopped running ads. I just use it a lot less which was a game changer for me, because just like you my time is very precious to me and the last thing i wanted to go back to was spending hours posting videos and reels.

Speaking of game changers…here are more gems that you will find inside “How to Write Emails That Bring Home the Bacon”
  • Why emails can get you more sales even if you have zero testimonials
  • Why you should never send automated follow up emails as a matter of fact if you are doing this then you are leaving TONS of money on the table.
  • Why mentioning people's names at the beginning of your email is a bad bad idea.
  • ​One of the most dastardly advantages that writing emails give you over the competition.
  • Why you should never start an email by sitting in-front of your laptop.
And Much More...

Look Friend…The majority of internet marketers swear on the bible that email marketing is dead. I would too if I didn't know what I was doing.  What you have standing before you is an opportunity to know an extremely valuable skill that your competition is sleeping on. In other words.

This Will Make You Dangerous !

People who have honed this skill are sitting behind their kitchen table making a killing. While copy cats continue to get duped into being slaves for reels and go broke buying the latest A.I. courses. 

In other words this is for info marketers who take their marketing very seriously. Now it's the time to make a decision that may totally change your business…and your life. 

So here's the deal Get “ How to Write Emails that bring Home the Bacon” and Get in on the Action. It contains a easy to read crash course that will help turn the people on your email list into rabid buyers simply by writing money making follow-up emails in as fast as 15mins. 

The training material is only 32 pages long ...none of my books have any fluff I get right to the point so you absorb the information within a half a day and get cracking on making money.

 The book will be delivered to you in digital format. You will receive instructions how to access and download the book so you can  instantly sink your teeth into it after ordering. No waiting on shipping or worrying whether or not the mailman lost your package. 

The investment cost is a FLAT US $47.00 Which is subject to go up! 

I must also point out to you that there are no refunds and all sales are final. 

This product like all the products that i create are only for people who bet on themselves and play to win

Click the Button Below To Grab Your Copy Today!
One More thing before i forget: When you order today you will also get.

A Swipe File Collection of Over 50 Money Making Emails To Help Turn Your Business Into An ATM Machine. 

How would you like to SWIPE a collection of some of my top emails that i have written to my list that will give you a glimpse as to how simple it is to bang out an email and get paid ?

Each email is hand picked in terms of its ability to either sell something or get people to book a call to my coaching program. Use them as a guide whenever you are stuck and looking for some direction. 

Look...This 120 page Collection of money making emails alone can easily be sold separately for a hefty profit. But, it comes built-in to "How To Write Emails That Bring Home The Bacon. To get this book today, click the button below:
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